Who We Are
The Brand Registry Group is an association of companies and organizations working together to champion the use of brand top-level domains.
The BRG is a not-for-profit organization registered in the United States.
Our Purpose is to support the collective interests of our members and help them derive maximum value from their brand top-level domains.
We help our members to launch and operate their dotBrand domain names.
We support our members in advocacy with ICANN, government and Internet stakeholders. We help our members develop and understand policies and procedures for using their top-level domains.
We engage with the domain name industry and Internet users as a collective voice to improve the understanding of the role of dotBrands. We support our members and seek to create a community for positive change.
Our Mission & Purpose
Our Achivevements
Community & Events
The BRG creates reports of events to inform and educate dotBrand operators and the broader industry. It organizes workshops and supports networking opportunities for its member and potential members. This includes active participation in ICANN events and meetings, dedicated brand streams during the Global Domains Division (GDD) Summits, and industry-related events to raise awareness and to bring like-minded brands together.
Take a look at the upcoming events under our Community & Events page.
Trend & Analysis Reporting
The BRG introduced a regular trend report for dotBrands for members to highlight use cases and to demonstrate the steady growth of active dotBrand registries. Analysis of different structures and approach can help members determine suitable launch plans to suit their own business.
The BRG also provides members with regular Newsletters which highlight key topics and tracks the current activities within ICANN, the BRG and related events.
Improving Engagement with ICANN’s Global Domains Division
BRG developed stronger engagement with ICANN’s Global Domains Division to work collaboratively in support of dotBrand registries and to develop bespoke tools, such as the GDD General Operations Handbook for Brand Registry Operators. This mutually-beneficial engagement is becoming increasingly important as more dotBrands become active.
Developing & Sharing Best Practices
The formation of the BRG Registry Operations and Best Practices Committee helps members focus on developing and organizing materials to better understand aspects of registry operations and maximizing the return on their Top Level Domain (TLD) investment.
As pioneers of the dotBrand model, members can access information and contribute to the development of future best practices for dotBrands.

About the BRG
The Board
Best Practices Committee
This committee is dedicated to educating our members on how they can best use their .brand and providing updates on future changes of internet policy and technology